Tuesday, December 4, 2007

the way i ball

i fixed my bike.  rollin on deez.
i got a respite on a fiscal obligation.
i got digital cable and internet after 5 months of no tv and shitty connection.
work is under control, confident and less frequently nonplussed, learning the ropes.  making my bones.  
burning the candle at both ends, striving and surviving,
power mornings, late lunches, allnighters.  loving it, the rush of blood and adrenaline while in trenches.  handling grown man shit.  helping grown men out of some bullshit, usually.  fighting against inhuman incarceration and police malfeasance. learning every day.  preparing and unloading.  
trip to the dominican republic is upon us.  it's time to shine, o' me brothers.


Slim O.NE said...
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Slim O.NE said...

What up homeslicer. This page is funny as hell. Imma have to start checking this periodically. Your punk ass never sent me the link to this page.

Anyway, here is a quick poem that I came up with the other day after taking a long walk through uptown New Orleans.

Walking, walking, walking, walking;
It's cold as fuck;
I didn't have the balls to wear my Santa hat;
It was the only one I had;
It was given to me by a generous mother that morning;
Unable to drive with no cell phone , nowhere to go, and no agenda;
The park comes alive;
I think this multiracial group of teenagers is following me;
Walking, Walking, Walking, until this shit wears off.

Paz Richie.

I expect a report on that Wu-Tang show.