Sunday, March 30, 2008

palm reading

i will live to be 88, a long healthy life.

i will have twins, boys. both happy.

my last name will be known by many.

i will have something to do with justice, seeking justice.

the letters r and j have special significance for me, as well as the number 33.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


shows:  lost, the wire.  you need to watch these dvds at all costs.  

food and beverage:  cortaditos with no sugar, salads

music:  check out joell ortiz.  dude spits hot fire.  he can rap for more than 125 bars straight thought with tight lyrics.  he wrote a letter to obama freestyle.

movies:  the bank job was a great popcorn flick..stay tuned for IRONMAN coming out in a month.

eccentric billionare of the month (he's kinda the shit):

good vibrations

 i went to the beach and basked in the sun

sprawled on a towel and soaked in the sea

ate chocolate and drank soda water

had a couple squares and called it a day

Friday, March 28, 2008


winter music conference

is what they mean when they say "the season"

Monday, March 24, 2008

back from the edge

i recently got bad news.  through no fault of my own, i was gonna be fired.
downsized. let go. shit-canned. given the ol' pink slip.  well, today, a stay of execution,
 the grand old supreme court of the 
magnificant state of florida extended my
temporary certification to practice law.  it was a close call,
and i am not out of the woods yet, as "the others" may still want
to rake me over the coals in a kafka-esque inquisition. but for the moment,
i gots my jobby-job back and i will be representing traffic gangstas 
in a court of law near you next week. i am taking this week off, pending my reassignment.  this is good because i can turn my 
full attension to tending bar at 
the aformentioned world music conference.  
 it promises to provide house music of varying degrees
of annoyingness, as well as lots of eurotrash and exotic beauties.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

getting older

i have always had a good imagination, i always loved to read,
and i am a first-class daydreamer.  one cool
thing about getting older is going through the memories of my life
like the chapters and pages of a book.  
it is amazing what comes back to you randomly.
some days i wake up and feel like a 5 year old, sometimes 16 sometimes
20 sometimes foreshadowing of 50.  
how old will you be tommorrow?


this site has some good tips, nothing you haven't heard before, but it is a good reminder how to keep things in perspective, and relax a little bit:

Monday, March 3, 2008


 this year hasn't quite lived up to my aspirations of unbridled success and accolades.  
(not quite ready to call bullshit on "the secret" but they forgot to mention
the part where it takes forever).
it seems to be a year of small succcesses eked out one at a time. 
my plate is quite full at the moment but like a
 surrounded general i fight on. 
yes, dear reader, i am in the shit, but i am heavily armed and i struggle hard.
mistakes made, lessons learned, and other shoes dangling precipitiously, 
i forge on.

i don't think i got scammed on ebay (even though i thought i did when the title for the truck i bought was delayed almost 2 months, i fired off a demand letter and everything).
i didn't burn my apartment down in a drunken frozen pizza bake
(even though my smoke detector batteries were dead, and i really wanted that pizza).
i won a trial last week (a bench trial, not quite as pimp as a full jury affair).
my florida vacation was amazing, wrestling alligators in the everglades, kicking it with the family unit in key west.  

winter music conference is coming.  for those who don't know,
1000's of electronic music fans decend
on miami for a week-long debauch.  it should be wild.